Pearl of Wisdom

'Laughing without cause stems from ignorance.'

Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Askari [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 76, p. 59, no. 10

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Question : #117 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: ghusal duration
Question: How long should i normal ghusal take in the shower, for instances it takes me around 20mins just to take ghusal.
Is this normal, or what is the process of streamlining the ghusal process?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

Although there is no time limit 20 minutes seems a little long.
Follow Up
what a if she/he have sex but not ejaculate still ghusal is compulsary?
Follow Up Response
If the males organ has been inserted past the circumcision point, then Ghusal is obligatory on both male and female.

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