Pearl of Wisdom

when asked by Abu Shakir al-Day ani, 'What is the proof that you have a creator?' The Imam (AS) answered, 'I found within myself that there can only be one of two possibilities, that either I was the one who created my own self or that someone other than me created me, so if I created myself, then that can only mean one of two possibilities, either I created myself and I was in existence beforehand or I created myself from non-existence, so if I created myself and I was already in existence beforehand, then I was free of any need to be created by the fact that I already existed. If I was in non-existence then surely you know that non-existence cannot bring about anything into existence. Thus, the third meaning affirms that I have a creator and He is Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.' Then Abu Shakir had no response to the Imam (AS) so he stoodup and left.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. p. 290, no. 10

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Question : #116 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: brushing teeth during fasting
Question: How can i explain brushing my teeth during fasting to our brothers from the Sunni school of thought?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

Well, the thing that breaks our fast is not putting food or, in your example, toothpaste into our mouth. Rather, what breaks the fast is intentionally swallowing the food. So, if one is able to brush his teeth without allowing any toothpaste to reach his throat then he has not swallowed anything, hence his fast remains intact.

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