Pearl of Wisdom

'When two things come your way and you do not know which one is good and correct, then look at which one of them is closer to your desire and then oppose it, for most good is found in opposing your desires.?

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
Ibid. p. 398

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Question : #1148 Category: Family Issues
Subject: Husband puts me down
Question: Salaam walaikum, I have been married for 14 years and have 3 children. My husband has been putting me down about my wieight, my skin colour, my teeth, lips and everything he can so I feel depressed about myself. He is the one man in this world that affects me with all these harsh words however he is aware of it too but it does not stop him. Lately I have found myself looking at other men, some compliment me and I feel a bit more alive. I know I'm married and I shouldn't think like this but my husband dosent come near me, he dosent like the sight of me at times and I just feel like I'm craving attention and love but my mind is taking me the wrong way. I have asked for him to leave me but he won't. Can someone please help me.

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