Pearl of Wisdom

in his will to his son, al-Hasan (AS), ?O My son, shall I teach you four things which will make you needless of medicine?' He replied, 'Yes, O Commander of the Faithful.' So he said, 'Do not sit to eat unless you are hungry. Stand up from the table while you still desire food. Chew properly. Go to the lavatory before you go to bed. If you put these into practice, you will not need medicine.?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
al-Khisal, p. 229, no. 67

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Question : #1103 Category: Marriage - Muta'
Subject: Mutah
Question: my family is sunni and have accepted for me to marry a shia male, although my father has said that we must wait 2 years in order for me to finish my studies. He has given permission for us to speak with one another but we wish to perform mutah so that it may be halal for us. My father doesn't believe in mutah so will i need his permission for it considering he has already agreed to our marriage?

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