Pearl of Wisdom

'When any young person gets married at the prime of his youth, his inner Satan cries out in rage, 'Woe unto him! Woe unto him! Two thirds of his faith have now been secured against me, and he has only to be careful of his duty to Allah in the remaining third.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. p. 221, no. 34

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Question : #109 Category: Fasting / Sawm / Roza
Subject: travelling and qasr prayers
Question: As part of my current job, i am required to travel regularly in the job. the question is am i still required to fast? However this said, i want to fast, and will i still be allowed to do Qasr prayers?
Answer: The question has to be more specific, meaning how much is traveling regularly and what profession do you have.

That being said, if you are considered a traveler you cannot fast and must perform shortened (qasr) prayers.

Fi amanillah
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That's an epxret answer to an interesting question
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