Pearl of Wisdom

when he passed by graves, would say, 'Peace be upon you O People of the graves, you preceded us and we are following behind you, and we will meet you by Allah's will. As for your houses, they have already found new tenants, your spouses have remarried, your wealth has been distributed these are the news we have. So what news have you for us?' Then he continued, 'If they were to answer, they would say, 'We found Godwariness to be the best provision [for the grave].'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. v. 78, p. 71, no. 35

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Question : #1073 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: clarification
Question: am ibrahhim
my question is about the terms used by your web users, i saw the quote {AS} infront of some names like ALI while others like ABUBAKAR you dont? is it a religious believe why you do so or a typing mistake? if it is a religious believe what supportive evidence do you have?

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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