Pearl of Wisdom

in a tradition related by al-Mufaddal, said, 'Have you ever thought what man's state would have been if from among all of his traits he missed the faculty of memory, and how many problems he would have suffered in his affairs, his livelihood and his experiences if he did not remember what was to his benefit and what was to his detriment, what he had taken and what he had given, and what he had seen and what he had heard? ... He would not have learned the way even if he had traversed the same path countless times, or retained a science even if he had kept learning it all his life, or professed a religion, or benefited by an experience, or been able to take a lesson from anything that had happened. Truly he would have lost the very basis of his humanity.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 3, p. 80

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Question : #1051 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: Civil marriage ceremony
Question: Assal-ahlaykim, I am a Muslim girl living in Australia and I am planning to marry a man who has converted to Islam with my parents blessing. We are obviously going to be married the Islamic way but the issue is his family are not Muslims and they are suggesting after we are married the Islamic way that they would also love to have a civil marriage ceremony for us in front of their friends and family. This ceremony is just their tradition that they would like to have for their side and has no religious meaning to it, it would simply just mean we would be married by law. I am opened to the idea and would love to do this to show respect for their traditions but I'm wondering if this is ok in Islam?

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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