Pearl of Wisdom

[advising his son], my son, learn wisdom and you will become noble, for verily wisdom directs towards religion, it will elevate the slave over the free person, it raises the poor above the rich and it makes the young precede over the old.'

Luqman the Wise [as]
Ibid. v. 13, p. 432, no. 24

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Question : #1023 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: wudhu before salah
Question: Assalamu Alaikom
What is Sistani's ruling on performing wudhu before salah?
For example, can I do wudhu at like 9:00am in the morning and go to uni. Then when it's Dhuhr at 11:42am, would my prayer be valid?
Your answer will be much appreciated!
Thank you! :)

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