Pearl of Wisdom

'Giving the alms tax at the end of the month of Ramadan completes and constitutes fasting just as sending blessings on the Prophet (SAWA) at the end of the prayer completes and constitutes the prayer. Verily the one who fasts and yet intentionally does not pay the alms-tax due, his fasting is invalid.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Kitab man la yahdurahi al-Faqih, v. 2, p. 183, no. 2085

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Question : #101 Category: Holy Qur'an
Subject: What does 'Sali mean in the Quran
Question: What is the meaning of inna allaha wa malli'katuh yusaalona 3ala al-nabi?

This is what I don't understand from the meaning it says
Truly Allah and his angels pray upon/to Muhammad

Why does Allah pray upon/to Mohammed. Why does Allah pray?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

A better translation of this verse would be: "Indeed Allah and His angels bless the Prophet; O you who have faith! Invoke blessings on him and invoke Peace upon him in a worthy manner." (Quran, 33:56, Quli Qara'i translation)

It is understood from this translation that the term 'sali' here does not mean pray, but rather means bless. Therefore, Allah is not praying to Muhammad (s); rather blessing him.

Fi amanillah

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