Pearl of Wisdom

said in the intimate supplication of the month of Sha'ban, my God! Inspire me with fervour for Your remembrance until I have become inspired with Your remembrance, and a spiritual zeal for the refreshing salvation of Your Names and the place of Your sanctity.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 94, p. 98, no. 13

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Question : #1002 Category: Dua / Supplications
Subject: angels
Question: Salams i woke up at fajr time. and had dreamt about being in a house with a baby boy who was sweating and sick. i told people to help they didn't. It started raining and i went outside and found a little boy who said he was angel i have come to help you.and then sprinkled separate rain on me.and told me i am here to help. please help my interpret this dream. i don't pray but my heart is pure and helpful.

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