Pearl of Wisdom

'Associate well with one who associates with you and you will be considered a Muslim.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Amali al-Saduq, p. 269, no. 295

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Question : #100 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: Praying open hands to close hands
Question: Did the Prophet Muhammad pray open or close hands, and when did this division take place?
Answer: The Prophet (s) prayed with his hands open. I do not know the exact instance that this division took place, although it is commonly known that it took place during the reign of the second caliph.
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I recently had a short discussion about this with a Sunni sister and she said that they do that as a sign of respect, as when someone who was approaching Prophet Muhammad (saw) did before him. My questions are; is it respectful? is it obligatory or optional? And finally where and why did this tradition arise? Thank you!
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